Module 7

Module 7 – Medications, Interventions and Therapies

Moico Module 6 Alt

This module is completed when entering the patient registry and updated as required, the six month module prompts updates as well. Information is collected on medications used and ceased as well as therapy services such as speech, physio and occupational therapies.

7.1a Medications/ Interventions and Therapy Use (MedIntScreen)
7.1.1acurmedscreenIs your child/ adult currently taking any medications/ interventions?1 – Yes;
2 – No;
3 – Unknown 
7.1.2astopmedscreenHas your child/ adult tried any medications/ interventions that they are no longer using?1 – Yes;
2 – No;
3 – Unknown 
7.1.3atherapyscreenHas your child/ adult ever taken part in any therapies?1 – Yes;
2 – No;
3 – Unknown 
7.2 Current medications/interventions (ANGMedIntCurrent)
7.2.1ANGMedIntWhatPlease tell us what medications/interventions your child/ adult is currently taking

1 – Cabamazepine
2 – Clobazam
3 – Clonozepam
4 – Ethosuximide
5 – Folate
6 – Lamotrigine
7 – Levetiracetam
8 – Oxcarbazepine
9 – Phenobarbintone aspen
10 – Sodium valproate
11 – Topiramate
12 – Aripiprazole
13 – Methylphenidate
14 – Risperidone
15– Efalex
16 – Evening primrose oil
17 – Amitriptyline
18 – Diazepam
19– Melatonin
20 – Midazolam
21 – Nitrazepam
22 – Phenobarbital
23 – Promethazine
24 – Trimeprazine tartrate
25 – Lactulose
26 – Ommeprazole
27 – Ondansetron
28 – Macrogol
29 –  Probiotic
30 – Psyllium
31 – Baclofen
32 – Benzatropine
33 – Calcium
34 – Celepram
35 – Cephalexin
36 – Clonidine
37 – Cyproheptadine
38 – Fluticasone
39 – Hexamine hipp
40 – Minocycline
41 – Mometasone
42 – Montelukast
43 – Netformin
44 – Oxybutynin
45 – Pantoprazole
46 – Miralax /polyethylene glycol
47 – Lactulose
48 – Dulcolax/Bisacodyl
49 – Benefiber/Metamucil or other fiber laxative
50 – Cannabis or cannabinoid
51 – Ketogenic diet
52 – LGIT diet
53 – Other diet
54 – Vagus Nerve Stimulation(VNS)

7.2.2ANGMedIntNameOTHIf medication is not listed above, please state 
7.2.3ANGMedIntReasonWhat is the reason for using this drug/intervention? Check all that apply1 – Anti epileptic;
2 – Behavioural;
3 – Sleep; 4 – Gastrointestinal;
5 – Complimentary;
6 – Diet;
7 – Vagus nerve stimulation;
8 – Other
7.2.3aANGMedIntReasonOthOther reason 
7.2.4aANGMedIntAgeStarted2What was your child/ adult’s age when medication/ intervention was started? 
7.2.7aAngMedIntOften2How often is this medication given?1 – Once a day;
2 – Twice a day;
3 – 3 times a day;
4 – 4 times a day;
5 – 5 times a day;
6 – 6 times a day;
7 – As needed;
8 – Other
7.2.7aiANGDoseSameIs the same dose given each time?Yes/ No
7.2.6aANGDose2Dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitDosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ; 
2 – Milligrams ; 
3 – Micrograms ; 
4 – Grams per millilitre ; 
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 
7 – Millilitres ; 
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthPlease specify If other, please specify 
7.2.8aANGMedIntStrength2Strength or concentration 
7.2.8bANGStrengthUnitStrength Unit Please indicate the strength/ concentration unit1 – Grams ; 
2 – Milligrams ; 
3 – Micrograms ; 
4 – Grams per millilitre ; 
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ; 
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ; 
7 – Millilitres ; 
8 – Other
7.2.8cANGStrengthUnitOthPlease specify  If other, please specify 
7.2.7bAngMedIntOftenT1Medication time 1 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T1Time 1 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT1Time 1 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT1Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7cAngMedIntOftenT2Medication time 2 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T2Time 2 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT2Time 2 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT2Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7dAngMedIntOftenT3Medication time 3 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T3Time 3 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT3Time 3 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT3Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7eAngMedIntOftenT4Medication time 4 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T4Time 4 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT4Time 4 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT4Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7fAngMedIntOftenT5Medication time 5 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T5Time 5 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT5Time 5 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT5Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7gAngMedIntOftenT6Medication time 6 Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2T6Time 6 dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitT6Time 6 dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthT6Please specify If other, please specify 
7.2.7hAngMedIntOftenTOthMedication time other Please indicate what time this medication/ intervention is given 
7.2.6aANGDose2TOthOther time dosage  Please indicate units of dosage as a number 
7.2.6bANGDoseUnitTOthOther time dosage unit. Please indicate the dosage unit1 – Grams ;
2 – Milligrams ;
3 – Micrograms ;
4 – Grams per millilitre ;
5 – Milligrams per millilitre ;
6 – Micrograms per millilitre ;
7 – Millilitres ;
8 – Other
7.2.6cANGDoseUnitOthTOthPlease specify If other, please specify 
7.3 Medications/Interventions no longer used
7.3.1ANGMedIntWhatStopWhat medications has your child/ adult tried and is no longer using?See 7.2.1
7.3.2ANGMedIntNameOTHIf medication is not listed above, please state 
7.3.3ANGMEDIntReasonPastWhat was the reason for using this drug/intervention?  1 – Anti epileptic;
2 – Behavioural;
3 – Sleep;
4 – Gastrointestinal;
5 – Complimentary;
6 – Diet;
7 – Vagus nerve stimulation;
8 – Other
7.3.4ANGMedIntReasonStopWhat was the reason for stopping this drug/intervention?1 – Exacerbation/worsening of seizures;
2 – intolerable side effects ;
3 – inadequate seizure control;
4 – transferring to a new medication;
5 – No longer required;
6 – Other
7.3.4aANGMedIntReasonStopOthPlease describe 
7.3.5aANGMedIntAgeStopped2What was their age when the medication/intervention was stopped? 
7.5 Therapy Services (ANGTherapySection2)
7.5.1aANGTherapy2Please tell us which therapy services your child/adult with Angelman syndrome has participated in (either current or no longer undertaken)1 – Physical therapy/ exercise;
2 – Speech and language therapy;
3 – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC);
4 – Occupational therapy;
5 – Physiotherapy;
6 –  Hippotherapy;
7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy;
8 – Music therapy;
9 – Art therapy;
10 – Pet therapy;
11 – Behavioural therapy;
12 – Adaptive sports;
13 – Play therapy;
14 – Chiropractic;
15 – Diet/ dietetic;
16 – Massage;
17 – Other
7.5.2ANGTherapyOTHIf the service is not listed above, please state 
7.5.3aANGShortCourseHave you participated in a short or intensive course about delivering therapies to your child/ adult?1 – Physical therapy/ exercise;
2 – Speech and language therapy;
3 – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC);
4 – Occupational therapy;
5 – Physiotherapy;
6 –  Hippotherapy;
7 – Hydro/aquatic therapy;
8 – Music therapy;
9 – Art therapy;
10 – Pet therapy;
11 – Behavioural therapy;
12 – Adaptive sports;
13 – Play therapy;
14 – Chiropractic;
15 – Diet/ dietetic;
16 – Massage;
17 – Other
7.5.4aANGShortCourseOthPlease specify 
7.5.5aANGCurrentPhysical Is your child/ adult currently participating in physical therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.6ANGStartStopPhysicalHas your child/ adult started and stopped physical therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.7ANGStartStopPhyDesPlease describe 
7.5.8ANGPhysicalAgeStart At what age did they start physical therapy? 
7.5.9ANGPhysicalAgeStop At what age did they stop physical therapy? 
7.5.10ANGPhysicalFreqCurrent How frequently do they attend this service?1 – Daily;
2 – 3-5 times per week;
3 – Twice a week;
4 – Once a week;
5 – Twice a month (fortnightly);
6 – Once a month;
7 – Once every 2-3 months (4-6 times per year);
8 – Once every 4-6 months (2-3 times per year);
9 – Once a year;
10 – Less than once a year or one off session;
11 – Other
7.5.11ANGPhysicalFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.12ANGPhysicalFreqEnded How frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.13ANGPhysicalFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.14ANGPhysicalDurCurrent How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.15ANGPhysicalDurEnded How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.16ANGCurrentSLPIs your child/ adult currently participating in speech and language therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.17ANGStartStopSLPHas your child/ adult started and stopped speech and language therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.18ANGStartStopSLPDesPlease describe 
7.5.19ANGSLPAgeStartAt what age did they start speech and language therapy? 
7.5.20ANGSLPAgeStopAt what age did they stop speech and language therapy? 
7.5.21ANGSLPFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.22ANGSLPFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.23ANGSLPFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.24ANGSLPFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.25ANGSLPDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.26ANGSLPDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.27ANGCurrentAACIs your child/ adult currently participating in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.28ANGStartStopAACHas your child/ adult started and stopped AAC therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.29ANGStartStopAACDesPlease describe 
7.5.30ANGAACAgeStartAt what age did they start Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy? 
7.5.31ANGAACAgeStopAt what age did they stop AAC therapy? 
7.5.32ANGAACFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.33ANGAACFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.34ANGAACFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.35ANGAACFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.36ANGAACDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.37ANGAACDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.38ANGCurrentOTIs your child/ adult currently participating in occupational therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.39ANGStartStopOTHas your child/ adult started and stopped occupational therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.40ANGStartStopOTDesPlease describe 
7.5.41ANGOTAgeStartAt what age did they start occupational therapy? 
7.5.42ANGOTAgeStopAt what age did they stop occupational therapy? 
7.5.43ANGOTFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.44ANGOTFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.45ANGOTFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.46ANGOTFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.47ANGOTDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.48ANGOTDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.49ANGCurrentPhysioIs your child/ adult currently participating in physiotherapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.50ANGStartStopPhysioHas your child/ adult started and stopped physiotherapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.51ANGStartStopPhysioDesPlease describe 
7.5.52ANGPhysioAgeStartAt what age did they start physiotherapy? 
7.5.53ANGPhysioAgeStopAt what age did they stop physiotherapy? 
7.5.54ANGPhysioFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.55ANGPhysioFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.56ANGPhysioFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.57ANGPhysioFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.58ANGPhysioDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.59ANGPhysioDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.60ANGCurrentHippotherapyIs your child/ adult currently participating in hippotherapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.61ANGStartStopHippoHas your child/ adult started and stopped hippotherapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.62ANGStartStopHippoDesPlease describe 
7.5.63ANGHippotherapyAgeStartAt what age did they start hippotherapy? 
7.5.64ANGHippotherapyAgeStopAt what age did they stop hippotherapy? 
7.5.65ANGHippotherapyFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.66ANGHippotherapyFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.67ANGHippotherapyFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.68ANGHippotherapyFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.69ANGHippotherapyDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.70ANGHippotherapyDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.71ANGCurrentHydroAquaticIs your child/ adult currently participating in hydro/aquatic therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.72ANGStartStopHydroHas your child/ adult started and stopped hydro/aquatic therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.73ANGStartStopHydroDesPlease describe 
7.5.74ANGHydroAquaticAgeStartAt what age did they start hydro/aquatic therapy? 
7.5.75ANGHydroAquaticAgeStopAt what age did they stop hydro/aquatic therapy? 
7.5.76ANGHydroAquaticFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.77ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.78ANGHydroAquaticFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.79ANGHydroAquaticFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.80ANGHydroAquaticDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.81ANGHydroAquaticDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.82ANGCurrentMusicalIs your child/ adult currently participating in music therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.83ANGStartStopMusicalHas your child/ adult started and stopped music therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.84ANGStartStopMusDesPlease describe 
7.5.85ANGMusicalAgeStartAt what age did they start music therapy? 
7.5.86ANGMusicalAgeStopAt what age did they stop music therapy? 
7.5.87ANGMusicalFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.88ANGMusicalFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.89ANGMusicalFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.90ANGMusicalFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.91ANGMusicalDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.92ANGMusicalDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.93ANGCurrentArtIs your child/ adult currently participating in art therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.94ANGStartStopArtHas your child/ adult started and stopped art therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.95ANGStartStopArtDesPlease describe 
7.5.96ANGArtAgeStartAt what age did they start art therapy? 
7.5.97ANGArtAgeStopAt what age did they stop art therapy? 
7.5.98ANGArtFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.99ANGArtFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.100ANGArtFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.101ANGArtFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.102ANGArtDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.103ANGArtDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.104ANGCurrentPetIs your child/ adult currently participating in pet therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.105ANGStartStopPetHas your child/ adult started and stopped pet therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.106ANGStartStopPetDesPlease describe 
7.5.107ANGPetAgeStartAt what age did they start pet therapy? 
7.5.108ANGPetAgeStopAt what age did they stop pet therapy? 
7.5.109ANGPetFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.110ANGPetFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.111ANGPetFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.112ANGPetFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.113ANGPetDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.114ANGPetDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.115ANGCurrentBehaviouralIs your child/ adult currently participating in behavioural therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.116ANGStartStopBehavHas your child/ adult started and stopped behavioural therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.117ANGStartStopBehDesPlease describe 
7.5.118ANGBehaviouralAgeStartAt what age did they start behavioural therapy? 
7.5.119ANGBehaviouralAgeStopAt what age did they stop behavioural therapy? 
7.5.120ANGBehaviouralFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.121ANGBehaviouralFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.122ANGBehaviouralFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.123ANGBehaviouralFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.124ANGBehaviouralDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.125ANGBehaviouralDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.126ANGCurrentAdaptiveSport Is your child/ adult currently participating in adaptive sports?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.127ANGStartStopSportHas your child/ adult started and stopped adaptive sports?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.128ANGStartStopSportDesPlease describe 
7.5.129ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStartAt what age did they start adaptive sports? 
7.5.130ANGAdaptiveSportAgeStopAt what age did they stop adaptive sports? 
7.5.131ANGAdaptiveSportFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.132ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.133ANGAdaptiveSportFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.134ANGAdaptiveSportFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.135ANGAdaptiveSportDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.136ANGAdaptiveSportDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.137ANGCurrentPlayIs your child/ adult currently participating in play therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.138ANGStartStopPlayHas your child/ adult started and stopped play therapy?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.139ANGStartStopPlayDesPlease describe 
7.5.140ANGPlayAgeStartAt what age did they start play therapy? 
7.5.141ANGPlayAgeStopAt what age did they stop play therapy? 
7.5.142ANGPlayFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.143ANGPlayFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.144ANGPlayFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.145ANGPlayFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.146ANGPlayDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.147ANGPlayDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.148ANGCurrentChiroIs your child/ adult currently participating in chiropractic treatment?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.149ANGStartStopChiroHas your child/ adult started and stopped chiropractic treatment?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.150ANGStartStopChiroDesPlease describe 
7.5.151ANGChiroAgeStartAt what age did they start chiropractic treatment? 
7.5.152ANGChiroAgeStopAt what age did they stop chiropractic treatment? 
7.5.153ANGChiroFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.154ANGChiroFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.155ANGChiroFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.156ANGChiroFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.157ANGChiroDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.158ANGChiroDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.159ANGCurrentDiet Is your child/ adult currently participating in treatment for their diet?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.160ANGStartStopDietHas your child/ adult started and stopped treatment for their diet?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.161ANGStartStopDietDesPlease describe 
7.5.162ANGDietAgeStart At what age did they start treatment for their diet? 
7.5.163ANGDietAgeStop At what age did they stop treatment for their diet? 
7.5.164ANGDietFreqCurrent How frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.165ANGDietFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.166ANGDietFreqEnded How frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.167ANGDietFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.168ANGDietDurCurrent How long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.169ANGDietDurEnded How long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.170ANGCurrentMassageIs your child/ adult currently participating in massage therapies?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.171ANGMassageAgeStartAt what age did they start massage therapies? 
7.5.172ANGStartStopMassageHas your child/ adult started and stopped massage therapies?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.173ANGStartStopMasDesPlease describe 
7.5.174ANGMassageAgeStopAt what age did they stop massage therapies? 
7.5.175ANGMassageFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.176ANGMassageFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.177ANGMassageFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.178ANGMassageFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.179ANGMassageDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.180ANGMassageDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.181ANGCurrentOtherIs your child/ adult currently participating in other therapies?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.182ANGOtherAgeStartAt what age did they start other therapies? 
7.5.183ANGStartStopOtherHas your child/ adult started and stopped other therapies?1 – Yes;
2 – No
7.5.184ANGStartStopOthDesPlease describe 
7.5.185ANGOtherAgeStopAt what age did they stop other therapies? 
7.5.186ANGOtherFreqCurrentHow frequently do they attend this service?As above
7.5.187ANGOtherFreqOthCurrentPlease specify  
7.5.188ANGOtherFreqEndedHow frequently did they attend this service?As above
7.5.189ANGOtherFreqOthEndedPlease specify  
7.5.190ANGOtherDurCurrentHow long is a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.191ANGOtherDurEndedHow long was a typical session? (in minutes) E.g. 60 minutes 
7.5.3ANGTherapyAGEWhat was the individual’s age (in years) when the service was started? (years) 
7.5.4ANGTherapyAGEMonthsAge in months (if applicable) (months) 
7.5.5ANGTherapyFreqHow frequently does the individual attend this service? (e.g. Once a week) 
7.5.6ANGTherapyDurHow long is a typical session? (e.g. one hour) 

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